Discovering YOUR Passion

When I started to finally value MYSELF, I started to realize that I deserved to pursue my passion. When I started to find a sense of self-love, I started to realized I could live a life that I LOVED. That meant creating PFWC: At-Home Transformation and starting this journey.

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Recover with Carly
Drop the Meal Plans

You know those meal plans that we are told will “change our lives,” “help us get skinny,” “work with your busy life,” BLAH, BLAH, BLAH? Well, I have news for you: those meal plans DO. NOT. WORK. (At least in a healthy way; sorry to burst your bubble!)

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Recover with Carly
Going Vegetarian

I decided to give up meat and become vegetarian in January 2015 for a combination of reasons: I wanted to save animals from living their entire lives in cramped cages, decrease my carbon footprint by eating lower on the food chain, and just generally make my diet healthier.

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