Discovering YOUR Passion
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
We are constantly asked this question as kids. For me, my answers were celebrity, basketball coach, actress, grocery store cashier, model, and whatever else I was feeling that day. The grown-ups thought our answers were so cute and innocent. They would respond, “Ah, that’s a great thing to want to be!” We always had so much hope; we could do ANYTHING!
We are constantly asked this question as kids. For me, my answers were celebrity, basketball coach, actress, grocery store cashier, model, and whatever else I was feeling that day. The grown-ups thought our answers were so cute and innocent. They would respond, “Ah, that’s a great thing to want to be!” We always had so much hope; we could do ANYTHING!
We are constantly asked this question as kids. For me, my answers were celebrity, basketball coach, actress, grocery store cashier, model, and whatever else I was feeling that day. The grown-ups thought our answers were so cute and innocent. They would respond, “Ah, that’s a great thing to want to be!” We always had so much hope; we could do ANYTHING!
We are constantly asked this question as kids. For me, my answers were celebrity, basketball coach, actress, grocery store cashier, model, and whatever else I was feeling that day. The grown-ups thought our answers were so cute and innocent. They would respond, “Ah, that’s a great thing to want to be!” We always had so much hope; we could do ANYTHING!
People continue asking this question as you grow up, but the reactions normally become more incredulous. “Oh, you want to be a model? Not sure you have what it takes!” For some reason, as I got older, there seemed to be less and less support for jobs that weren’t traditional “careers,” whatever that means these days.
When I discovered my passion for helping girls and women find a healthy relationship with food, exercise, and themselves and decided to launch Paradise Fitness with Carly: At-Home Transformation, I was afraid to tell people. I was afraid of their reaction: “You want to do what? Things like that rarely work out!” I was afraid of failure. I was afraid of not having support.
But I knew what my passions are, I knew what I wanted to do, and I knew what I needed to do to get there. It was time for me to stop fearing failure and rejection from others and DO IT!
Why do we chose the easy route even when we are miserable? Why do we ignore our heart and listen to those that don't have our best interest in mind?
When I started to finally value MYSELF, I started to realize that I deserved to pursue my passion. When I started to find a sense of self-love, I started to realized I could live a life that I LOVED. That meant creating PFWC: At-Home Transformation and starting this journey.
I’m not suggesting you quit your job tomorrow. That’s obviously not realistic. I am encouraging you to listen to your heart, follow your dreams, and pursue your PASSION. This looks different for everyone and that’s okay. I am telling you to figure out what that looks like FOR YOU because I truly believe you DESERVE it.
No matter how old you are, what stage of life you are in, how many kids you have, how many times you have been married, how many times you have changed your major, how many times you have dropped out of college, or how many times you have been told you won’t succeed, YOU DESERVE TO LIVE A LIFE YOU LOVE. You DESERVE to find your passion and PURSUE it.
Be true to yourself, listen to your heart, and remember your worth! It’s going to be scary, but I promise it is WORTH IT, no matter the outcome.
What is your PASSION & how are you going to LIVE IT?