Finding Balance


Life can be really overwhelming at times. Trust me, I get it. Between trying to exercise everyday, eat healthy, be successful, spend time with friends/family, and do the things you love, it can feel like there is just not enough time in the day. Finding balance between all these things is not easy but definitely worth attempting. 

For me, finding balance is about doing everything I love in moderation. It means taking a couple of minutes each day to do what I LOVE and what makes me feel like I'm living my life to the fullest. When I first started working toward a life of balance, the first thing I had to realize was that I DO NOT have to be perfect. Before, I was so hard on myself when it came to exercise, nutrition, and work. If I did not work out for two hours a day, I felt like a failure. If I ate a piece of pizza, I felt like a failure. If I wasn't working a certain amount of hours or making a certain amount of money, I felt like a failure. All of these thoughts were NEGATIVE, and I was ruining any positive experiences I could have been having. 

Figure out what it is that you LOVE. What is it that keeps you going and makes you feel alive? Those are the things you should try your hardest to incorporate into your everyday life. Stop focusing on what everyone around you is doing and DO YOU. Find a workout routine that you love and works for your schedule. Find a healthy diet that doesn't deprive you of the food you love but also makes you feel good a majority of the time. Find a hobby that DRIVES you. Once you know what it is that keeps you going, you will find it much easier to balance life around it because you will learn to make them a PRIORITY. 

Each of us deserves to live a life of happiness and success, no matter the political and economic situations forced upon us. Analyze your life and see what you want to change. Recognizing and identifying the everyday bullshit is the first but very necessary step. Then, make a conscious effort to prioritize the important stuff—that is when everything will find a way to balance itself out.